Monday 25 August 2008

TMJ Problems In Essex! By Cosmetic Dentist Dr J Basrai

Tympani's Symphony.

You probably didnt realise that your ear bones and your jawbones started out as
one and the same.

As your body developed,the bones separated,but because the same nerve that controls
the tensor tympani muscles in your ear controls your chewing muscles, your jaws
and ears can share the same muscle pain.

And that symphony of noises that you hear-the ringing,clicking,popping or grating-may
actually originate in your jaw.

Other symptoms that could indicate dental problems include feelings of pressure
or dizziness,excessive ear wax and difficulty clearing your ears.

How can you tell if ear symptoms are dentally related??

Dentally related ear pain is usually felt in one ear and can feel very deep.
It can spread to the temple or the back of the head.
You may have muscle soreness around your jaw joints or a sideways shifting of the
jaw when you open wide.

The most common cause of jaw related problems is a BAD BITE.

Your teeth must meet every time you swallow-over 2,000 times every day and night!

If your bite is unbalanced due to misaligned teeth,the muscles must work harder
to bring the teeth together.

Eventually the chewing muscles can become fatigued,they become shortened and they
may even go into painful spasms.

If you have any of these symptoms, please give us a ring on 01375481000.

We can help to harmonise that TYMPANI'S SYMPHONY

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