Thursday 28 August 2008

Bonding/Inlays/Onlays by Cosmetic Dentist Essex.


Reclaim Your Youthful Smile Now!

Bonding is a simple Treatment that your dentist can use to Fix Chipped Teeth,
Lighten their colour, and even make over your smile.

Either your front or back teeth can be bonded. Treatment is fast, allowing us
at Smile and FACE Studios to give you a more youthful smile and replace old metal
fillings with an esthetic material that should last for years.

Tooth coloured inlays/onlays are also bonded restorations used to replace your fillings
-they require two visits.

We may use inlays/onlays if your requires additional strength or reinforcement.

Who is a candidate?

Patients with chipped teeth or minor disclorations.

Those with small gaps or spaces between teeth.

Anyone who wants to replace metal fillings with esthetic restorations!

Fast Facts!

Direct Bonding is virtually undectectable.

Bonding is so painless, no anesthesia is required.

Economical option for smile enhancement.

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