Monday 18 August 2008

Periodontal Diseases threaten all women

Periodontal diseases threaten all women

Women aged 20 to 35 who are taking oral contraceptive pills are likely to be at greater risk of bleeding gums and deep periodontal pockets. Post menopausal women are also at risk of having bacteria in their mouth that can cause bone loss.

Dr J. Basrai explains, "As the hormone balance in women's bodies changes there is an effect on the condition of the gums. Loosening of the gums around the teeth allow bacteria to enter. If untreated this can lead to bone loss and the teeth falling out."

"Women should keep their dentists informed of medication and changes in their life. Serious conditions can be avoided with preventative treatments. Regular visits to the hygienist are an important part of oral health," says Dr J. Basrai. "Knowing your pocket size' depth can be a good way for women to keep track of their periodontal health. Pockets of one to two millimetres with no bleeding are not a concern. Pockets of three and four millimetres may need a more in depth cleaning."

For an informative and fun interview call Dr J. Basrai and his team on 01375 481000.

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