Monday 2 February 2009

TMJ Pain in Essex ! TMD Pain in Essex !

Unhinged by Pain?

Could be TMD!

Your Temporomandibular joints -the two joints that are located in front of your ears and that hinge your jaws-are quite impressive.

They can move side to side, back and forth, and up and down-all at the same time!

They get alot of use every time you bite,chew,speak,swallow-or grind your teeth.

Jaw Clenching, teeth grinding or an improper bite can contribute to teeth and gum pain as well as discomfort like popping,clicking,jaw tenderness and headaches.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders TMD is the official name for a host of symptoms that arise in part because of the proximity of these joints to many nerves,muscles,connective tissues and ligaments.

Experiencing signs of TMD?

Dentistry may have a solution.

Call us on 01375481000 and visit our website on

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