Saturday 7 February 2009

Pregnancy and Gum Disease!

Around 50% of all pregnant women experience dental
problems at some point during their pregnancy. The most
common condition is pregnancy gingivitis (gum disease
resulting from pregnancy).

Changing hormone levels can make your gums more
susceptible to plaque attack. Gingivitis causes the gums to
become red and swollen and also bleed easily and they
may also become sore.

The best way to avoid or alleviate the gum problems associated
with pregnancy is to practice good oral hygiene.

Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day for at least two minutes. Use
a total care toothpaste, which will help keep gums healthy and contains
fluoride to protect against decay.

Use floss or interdental brushes at least once a day to clean in-between
your teeth and remove plaque, in particular from around the gum margin.
Rinse your mouth after brushing with a fluoride mouthrinse, to reach
the areas that may be missed by brushing.

If irritation persists your dentist may recommend treatment
using a chlorhexidine digluconate based mouthrinse, such as
CORsODYL Mint Mouthwash.

CORsODYL mouthwashes contain an antibacterial ingredient that
attacks and kills the plaque bacteria that are causing your gum irritation.
In addition, CORsODYL forms a coating on your teeth, which lasts
for up to 12 hours to prevent new plaque forming on your teeth and
causing further irritation. Ask us for further
information on treating your gum problems.

Give us a call on 01375481000 and visit our website on

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