Monday 6 October 2008

Smiles by Basrai Cosmetic Dentist in Essex!

Here are more of the secrets we promised!

Stop your child's thumb sucking habits before
his permanent teeth come in usually by the age of
six. Sucking on a thumb or pacifier is a natural
and satisfying behavior for babies. This is why
we don’t want to force them to stop before then.

However, the habit can alter the position of baby's
developing teeth and the dental arches if it
continues after his permanent teeth begin to erupt.

Fortunately, the damage is usually self-correcting,
unless your youngster continues the habit much past
the age of six. If you are having trouble getting
your child to stop sucking his thumb, your dentist
may be able to offer some advice.

Make sure your child gets the benefits of the
latest in cavity prevention, including fluorides
and sealants. If you use bottled water, fluoride
supplements are generally prescribed at age three,
when all the baby teeth are in.

Have your dentist apply a sealant to protect the
biting surfaces of the molars. These are generally
applied when the six-year molars come in. Sealants
are nearly 100 percent effective in preventing cavities
on the biting surfaces of molars, the most cavity-prone
area of the mouth. They are approximately one-half the
cost of a filling.

Do not give your child a bottle at night with juice
or milk. If your child must have a bottle at bedtime,
dilute it with water or use a pacifier.

If your child uses a pacifier, don't dip it in any
sweetener. Some doctors have taught this in the past
and it is not a good idea!

Warm Regards


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