Tuesday 17 March 2009

Questions You May Have about Chemical Skin Peels!

What is a Chemical Peel?

What we call a peel is an exfolation stimulated by a chemical solution. It is a safe and common practice.

What molecules do you use?

Our superficial peels contain Alpha Hydroxy acids and Beta Hydroxy acids, particularly Glycolic acid which is the smallest molecule in fruit acid . For medium peels, the most commonly used agent is TCA.

What is the benefit of a Peel?

A peel in no way alters the shape of your face. It is an entirely natural and effective procedure performed by us at chafford 100 dental Care. It is so discreet, so around you will find you radiant without knowing why?

Do I need to prepare before beginning a treatment?

It is strongly recommended to use the home care prescribed by us to prepare your skin.
You will need to start care at least 2 weeks before your first peel.

What happens during a session?

A session generally lasts 15 to 30 mins and is made up of several steps : the cleansing of the area to be treated , the application of the peel and finally only cases neutralisation.
For most peels, you need to do at least 4 seesions a couple of weeks apart.

For a Free Consultation call us on 01375481000 and check out www.basrai.co.uk

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