Monday 16 March 2009

Chemical Skin Peels in Essex! Dr J Basrai.

6 Tips for Fantastic Skin.

1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Eat a healthy balanced diet.

3. Get some Decent Sleep.

4. Cleanse your skin correctly and regularly .

5. Apply mineral makeup.

6. Use Cosmeceutical products.

Why have a Chemical Skin Peel?

A Skin peel is an agent which, when applied, removes the outer surface revealing fresher layers which ultimately gives you a more youthful , healthier appearance.

Chemical Peels are also used in the treatment of acne vulgaris , melasma, sun damage, depressed scars, uneven skin tones and hyperpigmentation amongst others.

Chemical Peels can be superficial or deep and must be administered by trained personnel .

Although people tend to be apprehensive about the term, skin or chmical peels are safe reversible treatments when appropriately used.

Treatment is contra-indicated where patients have unrealistic expectations, ice pick scars, large dilated pores, keloid formation or certain medical conditions.

Give us a call on 01375481000 and visit our website on

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