Sunday 12 April 2009

How to Reduce Sensitivity of your Teeth! Dr J Basrai

Many people in this world suffer needlessly because of pain from sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth are usually caused by worn tooth enamel, from acidic food and drink, tooth-grinding, and overly vigorous tooth-brushing. Following these steps can help reduce or even eliminate that trouble.


  1. Visit a dentist. They are able to prescribe a special mouth guard for your sleep if they determine that you grind your teeth while sleeping.
  2. Understand that if you love to drink soda and citrus juices, cutting back is the best option, but drinking these drinks through a straw will lessen the contact of enamel-wearing acids with your teeth.
  3. Drink cold or hot drinks through a straw will keep these common causes of pain off your teeth.
  4. Use a toothpaste designed to help with sensitive teeth.
  5. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush, and brush gently but thoroughly.
  6. Use an over-the-counter numbing gel if you have pain, on the affected areas.
  7. Take up a hobby to help reduce stress that may cause you to grind your teeth.


  • Only a dentist can properly diagnose problems with teeth, so if you are not certain your pain is just sensitivity, visit a clinic.

Things You'll Need

  • Straws
  • Numbing gel
  • Sensitivity toothpaste
  • Dental mouth guard (possibly)
  • Soft-bristle toothbrush

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